JOMO JOMO JOMO (ジョモ ジョモ ジョモ) は北欧製品を輸入販売する、1988年創業の株式会社アペックスによる、群馬県のものづくりを発信するコレクティブ・ブランドです。
JOMO JOMO JOMOはローカルアイコンである上毛三山にインスピレーションを得てネーミングされました。
“Gift the forest to daily life”
JOMO JOMO JOMO is a collective brand that promotes manufacturing in Gunma Prefecture, Japan started in 2023. The brand was launched by Apex Co., Ltd., in Gunma prefecture established in 1988. The company is an importer and distributor of Scandinavian brand products.
We aim at sustainable manufacturing process, using mainly local softwoods from thinned forests and manufactured in collaboration with local factories and craftsmanships to link the cycles of society and resources.
Gunma Prefecture is a forest prefecture where forests occupy two-thirds of the prefectural land the largest area in the center of Japan. We started this brand after knowing the reality that the softwoods from thinned forests in the prefecture are not fully utilized.
From collaboration with Scandinavian and Japanese designers, we research and interpret local materials and industries, and to propose contemporary lifestyle products that add a touch of humor to everyday items.
Naming JOMO JOMO JOMO was inspired by a local landmark “Jomo Sanzan” meaning the three mountains and old land name “Jomo”.